Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Solemnization of Syakir + Fara

270609 ..My assignment was to capture the solemnization of Syakir or more known as Aki and Fara . The event took place in Dewan Felda at Jalan Semarak ...one of the request by the bride was to have a slide show presentation of their solemnization during the reception which took place on 280609 in Dewan Merak Kayangan ...
During the shooting , I came up with this though of why not combining video and still photo for the slide presentation ..lucky that we have cameras that have capability to capture HD video as well .... Once the whole ceremony was over , we rushed back to Seremban ..browse through all the photos that the videos that we have taken ...and worked for the video presentation..It was a late nite and early morning work..by about 11am everything were ready and we have a final disc in our hand ready for show ..... here is the video ..

Syakir + Fara Solemnization from Zamri Din on Vimeo.


  1. takder lawanye bro..biasa2 jer...
    mana tau kalau jumpa nanti boleh gak belajar ngan bro... :d
